Relapse Prevention Plan in Springfield, IL (877) 804-1531

Addiction to drugs or alcohol are serious and troubling diseases that can affect people from any walk of life and in any community, including right here in the city of Springfield, Illinois. As you are considering all of the addiction treatment options available to you, you may find yourself presented with an overwhelming number of choices and options. However, there is one particular type of addiction treatment, known as relapse prevention in Springfield. Many people, even some that have gone through treatment for addiction in the past do not know about the various programs for relapse prevention available to them. Call Springfield Drug and Alcohol Rehab and get to know more about the benefits of relapse prevention treatment so that you can be certain you get the best addiction treatment possible.

What Is Relapse Prevention?

Before you can explore the reasons you should choose one of the programs available through drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers in Springfield. Relapse prevention in Springfield is a form of addiction treatment that focuses on more than just the immediate here and now of addiction treatment and recovery. It focuses instead on the long-haul of addiction recovery. The focus, therefore, is on making the person aware of what relapse is, entails, and can do to a person's life after addiction treatment.

Statistics Amongst Addicts and Alcoholics

Whether you realize it or not, relapse is always a very real concern for anyone suffering from a drug or alcohol addiction. The statistics generally are not in the favor of the recovering addict. In fact, of all the people that seek out some kind of treatment for their drug or alcohol addiction, anywhere between 40 and 60 percent of them will relapse at some point after treatment. The majority of those people did not receive proper treatment throughout the course of their rehab program.

Warning Signs and Symptoms of Relapse

In order to be effective, it is important to learn to recognize some of the signs and symptoms of relapse. Medical detox in Springfield can assist in the withdrawal symptoms associated with recovery. Some signs can include:

  • Changes in appetite
  • Mood swings
  • Lack of proper hygiene or self-care
  • Depression
  • Agitation
  • Anxiety
  • Anger
  • Secretive behavior
  • Mental confusion
  • Social isolation
  • Sudden changes in behavior
  • Drug cravings
  • Steady decline in work performance
  • Having or trying to get drug paraphernalia

Stages of Relapse

Programs for relapse prevention focus on the fact that relapse occurs in stages rather than being a single incident that occurs in a moment of weakness. During treatment, recovering addicts learn about the stages of relapse and what can be done about recognizing and dealing with these stages as they happen. The idea is to stop the progression of relapse in the earliest stages so a person does not fully relapse after they complete treatment.

Stage One: Emotional Relapse

The first stage of relapse is commonly referred to as emotional relapse. This is the generally hidden stage of relapse because many people do not even realize that is related to their addiction at all. Emotional relapse has to do with shifts in mood (like becoming anxious or depressed), changes in habits, and a general sense of well-being that a person has about themselves and their life.

When a person is in the emotional stage of relapse, they can more easily turn the situation back around than in other stages. Relapse prevention treatment helps a person learn coping strategies to deal with these mood swings and other issues. This can include something as simple as attending a group meeting (and having a schedule posted of when and where those meetings are to ensure they can attend one), journaling, doing artwork, or speak with a trusted sponsor.

Stage Two: Mental Relapse

Mental relapse is a much more serious stage in the relapse process because at this stage the addict's mind begins to work against them in terms of their sobriety and recovery. During this stage of the process, a person will begin to think, fantasize, and even dream about using drugs again. They may begin to make plans to abuse drugs and could even start to act secretive about their whereabouts or get into contact with old dealers or fellow drug users.

In addiction treatment programs that emphasize relapse prevention in Springfield, the most important lesson learned about mental relapse is that the person needs to reach out for help and support. During mental relapse, it is impossible to trust your own mind or thought process and because of that, you need an outside perspective to help get you back on the right track.

Stage Three: Physical Relapse

The final stage is physical relapse. When a person goes through physical relapse, it means that they have resumed substance use and abuse. If the incident of physical relapse is an isolated incident, the person can resume their regular habits including group meetings, therapy sessions, and other coping strategies. If it becomes a regular habit again, then a person may need to go back to detox and rehab.

Now that you understand  relapse prevention, you can be sure that your addiction treatment program includes prevention therapies. Call Springfield Drug and Alcohol Rehab for help (877) 804-1531.

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